207: Moody Fuckers

Our darkest hour returns with a triple shot of The Cure (pictured) as I will be seeing Robert Smith and Co. in concert tomorrow night! We’ll also hear from Die Krupps, Coil, The Mission, Bauhaus, Foetus, Nitzer Ebb, Christian Death, Cocteau Twins, and Joy Division. “Tonight, I’m feeling like an animal …”


  1. The Cure — All I Want
  2. Cocteau Twins — Shallow Then Halo
  3. Coil — Panic
  4. Bauhaus — God In An Alcove
  5. Psychobud — Sighs
  6. The Cure — Other Voices
  7. Love And Rockets — Life In Laralay
  8. Nitzer Ebb — Into The Large Air
  9. Die Krupps — This Day Is Not The Last
  10. Duet Emmo — The First Person
  11. The Mission — A Wing And A Prayer
  12. Christian Death — As Evening Falls
  13. Foetus — Today I Started Slogging Again
  14. Joy Division — Incubation
  15. The Cure — From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea